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Hi! I’m Megan,

My husband Chris and I had foster care adoption on our hearts even before our oldest biological son, Caleb, was born in 2009. Then in 2012 came biological daughter, Josephine. Both deliveries were via C-section and were followed by tough recoveries. From that point forward, it was clear our family would be grown by other means besides "be fruitful and multiply."


With foster care adoption still on our hearts, we waited on God to give the go ahead. Fast forward to 2017, the arduous licensing process commences and we're matched with Lilly and Marcus--sister and brother who at the time were 4 & 2 and have been in the system for approximately two years already. Then in the spring of 2018, they move in---that's when the journey begins. 

We entered into this with what we thought were eyes wide open. We had a lot of love to give and love is always enough right?? But we quickly realized this life we chose is beyond hard. It is a daily choice to choose love--agape, selfless love even when the filial, emotional love seems nonexistent. So we make the choice and continue in what some days seems like a very human, feeble attempt.

I hope you hear my heart for my family and my Jesus through my writing. I promise to share our experience with authenticity and vulnerability. I am stretching and growing just as much as the littles with which God has entrusted me. We have daily failures and triumphs and I thank God for His daily dose of lessons and grace. The taste of the medicine of experience may be hard to swallow at first but the healing is worth it. 

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